7 Secrets to Lifelong Passion in Marriage
By Stephen & Misty Arterburn with Becky Johnson
This was an incredible book, beautifully writing and compelling to read with passions from five of the most romantic countries love story in the Mediterranean like Italy, Spain, France, Greece, and Israel, This all we are know is for romance countries with all the great food with amazing art, beautiful scenery, creative work and through to research insight and personally to this stories of Stephen and Misty make it easy to apply to our own relationship and encourage for all of the couple in everyday life from yours marriage. We will find the research and interview of the author for the good ideals that can help all the couple creates conditions for vibrant passion and rich connection. These secrets will help your love intensify with time rather than die or death. If you do more adventure no matter in the short trips or long trips with you lovers that means you are sharing more time and life together with that memory will help and healing all the relationship must more stronger than before. Stephen Arterburn is a New York Time bestselling and multi award winning author with more than 10 million books in print, including Every Man's Battle and the Life Recovery Resources. Misty Arterburn is the author of books and devotionals in the Life Recovery Resources and Lose it for Life series. Becky Johnson is the author, coauthor or collaborator if more than forty books, Her most recent titles are We laugh, We Cry, We Cook and Nourished a Search for Health, Happiness and Full Night's Sleep. I highly recommend to everyone must to read this book. " I receives this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers program for the review "
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